Services Available

  • Phone support and consultation.
  • Personal 1:1 and vigilant support for the person at the end of life.
  • Coordination of available services and care.
  • Liaison with medical and other areas of choice by the person.
  • Compassionate support for family and friends.
  • Provide a free 1 hour consultation at your home or location of choice.


  • Overview of Legal requirements
    Enduring Medical Power of Attorney, Advance Care Planning, Wills and Digital Media
  • Provide Assistance & Support in helping to Navigate with the Medical and Health Care system, Doctor's Appointments, Nursing Services, Hospital & Palliative Care.
  • In the bottom drawer preparation assistance for all of us as we never know when our end of journey is going to be upon us

Preparing the way Doula

The term Doula derives from a greek word that translates to 'service' in English

A 'Preparing the way' life Doula is non-medical person who provides assistance, guidance and support to people in preparation for their end of life journey.

A Doula may help guide the person, their family, and support network through their end of life path. A support provider can inform their clients of their choices and provide, comfort and clarity with medical and nursing staff, funeral homes, the hospital environment, or other care providers, and other involved personnel.

Being a carer, or even sometimes knowing somebody who is dying can be confronting and confusing for family members and friends.

A Doula can help assist the person and their family/friends through support and being an advocate for the needs and wishes during this time.

Supporting the rights of all involved to choose an end of life that is meaningful, to them and their journey.

It is important to provide emotional and spiritual support or facilitate access to specialists who can do so.

As your Doula, I will provide access to appropriate services within the community and invaluable information and resources to support the person throughout their end of life journey.


Contact me for a consultation at your home or preferred location and we can start your journey together.